Pass Plus :



Upon passing your driving test you may think that it’s the end of your training and your now on your own. This can be quite a daunting thought when you’re only used to driving in urban areas. However your training does not have to stop here as you can now gain more experience and confidence in conditions you may not be familiar with such as rural roads and motorways by taking your pass plus.


The pass plus is an established training course aimed at new drivers. It was designed by the Driving Standards Agency (DSA) with the help of insurers and the driving instruction industry.

Statistics show that new drivers are more likely to have an accident in the first two years after passing their test. This is because of their lack of driving experience.

Pass plus builds on your skills and knowledge, it will teach you how to anticipate, plan for and deal with all kinds of hazards, to help you become a more confident driver.

The pass plus consists of six modules about driving in difficult conditions. These are:


* Inner city driving

* Dual carriageway driving

* Night driving

* All weather driving

* Rural road driving

* Motorway driving


The pass plus will last a minimum of six hours and your instructor will access your progress as you go. Once your instructor is happy you have reached an acceptable level he will sign off each module. This also means you won’t have a final test as your progress is monitored throughout.

On successfully completing your training you’ll be sent your pass plus certificate to claim your discount on your car insurance policy.


So as you can see by taking your pass plus you will gain experience and confidence as well as getting a discount on your insurance.

You just can’t lose.













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